Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sweet Girl

Today, Matt's parents had to put Molly, their golden retriever, to sleep. She was almost 14 years old and still wagging her tail. They think she had cancer of the spleen, and her failing health was beginning to show more and more. I'm glad she's not in pain, but we will all miss her greeting us at the door and begging to be pet. I last saw her Easter Sunday and she was licking food off the plates in the dishwasher. :)

Molly taught me a lot. When I was having a hard day, I looked forward to being able to see her if it was a day I went to Matt's parents' house for dinner. She always reminded me what's really important--to love others. I don't know if Molly could have loved God (pretty sure dogs don't have that capability), but I know God loved her and realized the joy she brought to us. I knew that whatever problem I had in my life faded in light of Molly's simple need to be pet, talked to, and to love her family and her two kitties.

We will miss you, girl ...


Anonymous said...

I'll miss Molly too.

Aletha VanderMaas said...

So sweet.