Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Delinquent Blogger

Yes, that's me. I'm a blogger with special needs. Somehow I can find the time to look at every other blog known to man, but I lack the motivation to update my own. But I'm trying, really! I have lots of pictures to post and everything. My friend Anne gave me a good idea--when I get a bunch of posting ideas, don't post them all at once--save them to feed to people throughout the week. I probably should have thought of that, huh?

But those following the wedding plans will be happy to know that we're making huge progress. And the wedding day is only 95 days away! Can you tell I'm beyond excited? Our minister sent us a proposed order of service, I think I've found a string ensemble, my mom is coming up this weekend to address invites with me and to visit the reception site, the bridesmaids' jewelry is in process, I'm working on a map for the invites, I made a mock-up of our program (give me a break--I was snowed in), I purchased my earrings, I've almost got the flower situation under control, I've been tanning (stay tuned for another story on that), we've been furniture shopping, I have several showers coming up in the next weeks, and ... I think that's it.

Now I just need the snow to go away and to find a place that has cherry blossoms in May. More updates coming soon--I'll really try. And this picture has nothing to do with anything. But isn't the dog cute?


Aletha | Pearls Events said...

Lots of fun info in this much-needed post! I heard from your musicians today and I will call them back tomorrow. Also--can't wait to hear more about the cherry blossoms and the tanning!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I can't wait for the tanning story! :) I hope you're having lots of fun with your mom!